Monday, November 23, 2009

Cyrano de Bergerac Resesarch and Presentation

Project update: each group needs 3-5 sources. At least one print source and 2 valid internet sources.

Homework Q2 Week 8

  1. Unit 7 Quiz tomorrow
  2. Finish Act 2 of Cyrano de Bergerac
  3. Choose 6 questions off the study guide and answer (Spread them out! A student who only answers the first six questions, didn't read the rest of the Act. Five students who answer the same six questions are making hard for me not to accuse them a cheating.)
  4. Presentations will begin on Tuesday, December 1st. All groups should be ready and have their materials on the Y:// or a flash drive.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cyrano Oral Research Topics


1. Cyrano de Bergerac takes place in Paris, France in 1640. Research life in the 17th century. This and other websites provide information:

2. What was the Thirty Years War? Who were Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu? These and other websites provide information:

3. Who was the historical Cyrano de Bergerac? What elements of his life inspired the play? This and other websites provide information:

4. Who were the Three Musketeers? Who was D’Artagnan? What is a Gascon? ALSO, In the 17th century, war was a defining characteristic of society and people lived with the constant threat of death. What were the ways war affected the lives of men and women? How did it shape both their social roles and responsibilities, and their views on life and love? These and other websites provide information:

5. Why was theatre important to the Paris society of the 17th century? Who were the prominent playwrights? What were the favorite subjects of drama? How did being seen at the theatre affect one’s social status?

6. Who was Edmond Rostand? What was his contribution to French drama? These and other websites provide information:

7. Compare and contrast the theatrical conventions and principles of Cyrano’s time (the 17th century) with those of Rostand’s time (the 19th century.) Why do you think Rostand might have been inspired to pay homage to the earlier theatre? This and other websites provide information:

9. Research the précieuses. What influence did the précieuses have on the arts at the time of Cyrano (and Molière)? What conditions bound their behavior and freedom? ALSO: In 17th-century life, social roles were well defined. Look at examples of art and fashion from the 17th century. What can you learn about 17th century French society by examining the art and fashion from the period? What can you learn about the social roles of men? Women? Describe the artistic style of the time. This and other websites provide information:

10. What is a duel? What is the “code duello?” Who benefited when men lived by that set of rules? Why was dueling allowed to be part of 17th century French society?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

World Literature Assignment pg 1336-1341

pages 1336-1337

pages 1338-1339

pages 1339-1340

pages 1341

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

World Literature Book Assignment

Here is a copy of the text (pages 265-266 in the book):

"How the World was Created from a Drop of Milk", attributed to the Fulani, from Mali:

In the beginning there was a huge drop of milk.
Then Doondari came and he created the stone.
Then the stone created iron;
And iron created fire;
And fire created water;
And water created air.
Then Doondari descended the second time. And he took the five
And he shaped them into man.
But man was proud.
Then Doondari created blindness and blindness defeated man.
But when blindness became too proud,
Doondari created sleep, and sleep defeated blindness;
But when sleep became too proud,
Doondari created worry, and worry defeated sleep;
But when worry became too proud,
Doondari created death, and death defeated worry;
But when death became too proud,
Doondari descended for the third time,
And he came as Gueno, the eternal one,
And Gueno defeated death.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Research Paper Introductions

Research Paper Introductions

The introduction of research paper should accomplish two purposes:

  1. It should grab the reader’s attention.
  2. it should present the paper’s main idea and thesis statement

In addition, the introduction may define key terms, supply necessary background information, or both. The introduction can be of any length, although most introductions are one or two paragraphs long.

Capturing the Readers Attention:
There are many ways to capture a reader’s attention in an introduction. You can begin with

  • a startling or unusual fact,
  • a question,
  • an anecdote,
  • an analogy,
  • a paragraph that compares or contrasts,
  • or examples pertaining to your topic.

Thesis Statements:
Most of your thesis statements are already scoring a 10 on that Sentence outline rubric—if not, see Ms. Miller with revisions!

Here are some helpful links:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Harold Washington--Meet Ms. Miller there on Thursday

Ms. Miller is planning to go to the Harold Washington on Thursday, at 4:30. She will be on the 4th floor. From here she can assist you with your research.

You must sign up on Wednesday. Please note: I am not going to the library as a chaperone! I am going to be there to advise you, but you are responsible for getting there, getting home, behaving properly and your general well-being.

Working in the lab--Thesis and Annotated List of W.C.

Today you should focus on getting the help you need to have your Annotated List of Works Cited turned in on time. If that means you need to help narrowing down your topic, that's where you should begin. It may mean that you need help learning how to cite a particular source--I'm here to help!

Anyone working diligently and making progress will earn a homework grade of 10 possible points.
Anyone not getting work done or distracting others will loose this homework grade. No warnings will be given.

Use your time wisely! It's one of the best lessons to learn before you leave for college...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today in the lab

English 4,

Today you are to continue researching and building your Annotated Biliography, which is due March 5th. Please remember to check your assignment for source requirements. You can have only 2 web-based sources!

To make your searching more effective, check out this link

It will help you not only with web-based searches, but also with card catalog and database searching.

See you Tuesday! Don't forget to read Ivan!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2/4/09--In the LRC

Today you are to complete the following:

  • Search the PSM Card Catalog, OPAC (Use the link to the PSM Intranet)
  • Find any books that may be useful
  • Determine whether you should check them out

Optionally, you can:

Search for online journals and periodicals

  • Use the link to High Beam Research
  • [login: stephiann]
  • [password: seniorpaper]

Search online encyclopedias

  • Use the PSM Intranet link to get to
  • EB--[login: psm] [password: psm]
  • Culture Grams--[no password]
  • First Search,--[login: 100-111-376] [password: psmknights]

Any strictly web-based material must be evaluated (Use the link "Evaluating Elecrontic Sources")

Please use the links on the right to help you get started.

All of the work you do today should help you meet our next deadline: February 10th, 5 sources due (Bring to class!!!!!)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today we are doing preliminary research. Our goal is to choose 3 possible research topics for the senior paper. These choices are due at the end of the period. Some of us will be ready to start real research tomorrow, but others will be refining our specific topic for a few more days. Below are some suggestions for searching.

1. Go to the PSM Intranet Use the links to
  • Britanica Online,
  • Culture Grams (Helpful for research about any area in the world), and
  • Contemporary Literary Criticism.

2. Use the internet--certain search engines are useful for specific things--read up on it here:

3. Highbeam research: Here you will find published periodicals. Very useful.

4. First Search: Very useful--remember, always choose advanced search.

Extra Credit opportunity--read a novel that involves your topic. Use it to connect to the social ramifications of the topic.